Honours and Awards

Issued to Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) Members

MAITLAND, John Douglas

Mentioned in Despatches

MAITLAND, John Douglas, A/LCdr, RCNVR, MGB-657

Issued: 24-Jun-1944, Canada Gazette

"For courage, determination and skill in Light Forces in successful actions with enemy coastal forces off the west coast of Italy."

Distinguished Service Cross

MAITLAND, John Douglas, Lt , RCNVR, MGB-657

Issued: 30-Apr-1944, London Gazette

"For good service in coastal forces in the Mediterranean. For outstanding courage, leadership and skill in Light Coastal Craft in many daring attacks on enemy shipping in enemy waters."

Bar to the Distinguished Service Cross

MAITLAND, John Douglas, A/LCdr , RCNVR, MGB-657

Issued: 3-Feb-1945, Canada Gazette

"For good services in action in HM Light Craft in the Mediterranean. For outstanding courage, skill and determination in operations in the Mediterranean in Light Coastal Craft."

CROIX DE GUERRE avec Palme en Bronze (FRANCE)

MAITLAND, John Douglas, A/LCdr, RCNVR, MGB-657

Issued: 11-Jan-1945, London Gazette

"For exceptional services in cooperation with the French Forces during operations on the Island of Elbe."

Mentioned in Despatches (2nd Occurance)

MAITLAND, John Douglas, A/LCdr, RCNVR, MGB-657

Issued: 20-Jan-1945, Canada Gazette

"For services in operations in the Mediterranean in Light Coastal Craft while in command of the 56th MGB/MTB Flotilla."